Case study

Watch & earn app redesign

Watch & earn is a concept typically found in Web3 which involves users earning cryptocurrency coin by watching videos, ads, or promotional media. The project included redesigning a watch & earn platform to make a massive update.

Art direction

ui ux design

Brand design

Web3 emergence

In 2021, the emergence of Web3 sparked excitement among gen Z in Indonesia, who were keen to learn more about it. However, to learn was challenging due to the lack of education, community, and Web3 infrastructure. This gap could result in misinformation or even worse. Therefore, it was impossible to delve into Web3 world with proper guidance.

However, we saw a potential in it. We saw young Indonesia spent 5-6 hours everyday watching Youtube, a Web2 platform, which was possibly to be replaced by Web3 platform with their favorite contents added.

The old design

Because the old design was very similar to YouTube, it brought a lot of troubles. In the homepage, there was big ads and the contents below it.

Number showed 2 of 5 people who signed up had never managed to earn the token. As it turned out, problems came in different sizes and shapes: I’m confused due to setup complexity, I don’t understand how it works, I don’t believe will earn, etc.

The new design

To tackle the issue, we ensured we did the wireframe first. We knew the purpose of the app was to watch & earn. Therefore, a video player was immediately placed at the homepage so users didn’t have to navigate between pages.

Besides, a token balance was now pinned at the top bar making it visible on every page. Thus, this would ensure new users that they will earn. Additionally, the number started to increase as soon as they watch, ensuring their earnings in real-time. This addition denoted transparency in the system.

Watch & earn

Previously, people did a trial & error to understand how to watch & earn. Our solution was, in the homepage, we demonstrated how to watch & earn with JavaScript animation leading them to a CTA "watch & earn" so they can understand the process.

Old vs new: withdraw

Unlike its predecessor, to withdraw the token users just needed simply click the coin balance at the top to claim their earnings instead of navigating many pages.

Bringing what they love

Because our audience was around Prestige Corp’s ecosystem, we tried to get their favorite creators and contents from YouTube into ours.


The latest patch significantly improved the app's rating on the Play Store, increasing it from 2.3 to 4.5 stars based on 483 reviews and over 5,000 downloads. In a significant development, the platform was acquired by Leslar Metaverse in 2022 with the goal of becoming Indonesia's best Web3 platform for young learners.