Case study
Family management mobile app
The project aimed to solve a social problem in Singapore by utilizing an AI app where busy parents were struggling to balance between family and their workload.
ui ux design
Motion design
Brand design
The problem
In Singapore, lots of parents struggled to balance work and family responsibilities. Despite having kids, they kept working and had to manage their households while trying to regain control of their lives.
There were many apps to solve this problem, but setup complexity could be the problem. Their mental load were high already.
Starting point
We kicked-off by aiming to release Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF) on the first round of iteration. I started by designing a visual identity that can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. Besides, I also designed the logo which denoted 9-to-5 hour.

Empowered by AI
Parents needed to feel empowered first. Before this app, numbers showed that 64% of busy parents said they had never been significantly helped. This proved that setup complexity and lots of human effort were still be the problem. Our solution was to utilize AI into our app.
Knowing your family
Before our AI manage your family, we began with an onboarding step so our AI can know more your family. We gathered information e.g. house composition, members, helpers, pets, and preferences. After knowing your family, our AI was allowed to manage your household including house rules.
Bringing it together
We wanted a place that was safe for everyone to collaborate and share thoughts. We allowed anyone in the house — be it children or helpers — to be invited into the platform to perform scheduled tasks. Parents were enabled to keep track of who was doing what, making them easier as the owner to manage their household.
meal planner
Parents needed a better way to plan new meal every week to avoid repetition. Before starting this project, they often struggled with confusion deciding what to cook next.
Our solutions was to let the AI decide the cuisine based on ethic group and house composition to give a variety meal plan. Parents could flexibly customize it or totally with AI.
Task manager
The task manager allowed you to take control of your daily schedule. Whether you preferred to assign to a specific member or delegate them to AI, you had the flexibility to manage your day with ease.
Ultimately the project was successful after our team ran a marketing plan in 2023. The FamPlan platform was acquired by BW Solutions in 2024 aiming to become the best family management app in Asia.